About Us
As the official charitable partner of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Foundation for America’s Public Lands serves as a convener, partner, and fundraising catalyst to help ensure the health and sustainability of America's public lands and waters today, and for the future.

Inspire visitors and spotlight the places, people and experiences public lands and waters have to offer.
Ensure all people have access to, and feel connected to their public lands and waters through quality experiences.
Create an ethos of shared responsibility, generate resources and cultivate partnerships to ensure resiliency of our public lands and waters.

A shared vision for the future of public lands and waters.
The BLM is responsible for one-in-every-ten-acres of land across the country, the largest amount of public land of any federal agency, and welcomes more than 80 million visitors every year. The Agency’s multi-use, sustained yield mission requires balancing a variety of uses like energy development, livestock grazing, recreation, and timber harvesting while ensuring natural, cultural, and historic resources are maintained. And, despite this broad mandate, the BLM has limited resources to carry out its important mission.
Other public land agencies have benefitted from having a foundation partner for decades, and the BLM has not had the same support – until now.

To foster strategic partnerships and generate private support to help connect more people and communities to public lands and waters, today and for generations to come.

Our vision is to set the biggest table possible. That means bringing together different voices and viewpoints to discuss, plan and share responsibility for our public lands and waters.