Wild Horses and Burros

Wild horses and burros have captured
the imagination of Americans for generations.

Unique among animals, wild horses (mustangs) and burros (donkeys) stand in both worlds of freedom and domesticity. Their growing numbers impact the lands where they roam - adding to the delicate balance among other uses like cattle grazing, recreation, energy generation, and habitat for native plants and animals. Today, they need our attention more than ever.

a Rich History

Living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West.

Since the passage of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act (1971), mustangs and burros have been managed and protected by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Today, these living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West face unprecedented challenges. Population growth and drought conditions in some states have led to water and food scarcity – ultimately putting herds and other wildlife at risk of starvation and death.

Their caretakers at the BLM must balance growing herd populations alongside increasing demands for how our public lands and waters are used. It’s not an easy challenge, but we know it’s possible to achieve healthy herds on healthy public lands.

A Vision for the Future

The Foundation is working in partnership with the BLM to help expand current approaches and pilot new solutions in areas like herd management and public adoption.

Good Homes for Horses and Burros

Adoption success stories happen when horses and burros are given the chance to work with experienced trainers, and when potential adopters understand the process, cost and care associated with bringing these animals home. 

On-Range Management

We believe it is possible to maintain healthy on-range herds and ensure the long-term health of the land. Working alongside the BLM, we are helping to develop and pilot new innovations and bring unique public-private partnerships to the table.

Community Building

Successful wild horse and burro management is complex and requires collaboration, innovation and diverse perspectives. Working together with the BLM, conservation and equine welfare groups, local community groups, and leading science experts, we can show how mustangs and burros are an asset for the BLM and the American people.

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