Annie Epstein

Philanthropy Writer

Connect with Annie

Annie is the Philanthropy Writer at the Foundation for America’s Public Lands. She supports the efforts of the CDO and CEO by creating meaningful grant proposals and seeking out new funding opportunities for the Foundation. Her work also includes developing written materials for the team and assisting in wider communications. Prior to joining the Foundation, Annie held positions in marketing and journalism, where she drafted impactful articles and multimedia content for both corporate clients and digital publications. She’s taken a leading role on a range of editorial and social media projects, distilling complex science, economic insights and philanthropic achievements into digestible online campaigns.

Outside of office hours, Annie is usually tending to her many houseplants, sampling new restaurants or walking a foster dog in Rock Creek Park.

What Public Lands Mean to Me

What is your favorite thing to do on public lands or in public waters?

I love taking a long walk or sitting with friends and taking in the wildlife. My friends and I take an annual trip to Estes Park, Colorado, and, for me, the best part of hiking is pausing to absorb all the sounds (or lack thereof).

Where is your favorite outdoor spot?

Anywhere with a body of water! I just left Chicago, where I logged countless hours strolling along the lakefront. There are so many birds, plants and happy people to observe.

What excites you most about working with the Foundation?

I’m truly excited to make a difference by supporting the work of the Foundation. There are so many natural treasures out there. If I can help others find new ways to engage with the outdoors, I will be very proud.